.the newyorker post.

22 08 2011

setting: 2 days before Stockholm. funny, funny brownies.

the greatest thing about spending days alone is the relief of being in the company of the most influential person you’ll ever meet.

stepping inside someone else is like stepping outside yourself.
stepping outside of New York is like stepping outside of yourself.

New York is a very jealous spouse.
those who find love here must have an adulterous nature.

for romantics, New York is solitude. for the masochists, New York is bliss.

New York is however just a bunch of small rooms and people with too much to want and too little to see.

New York is a place for friends. New York is a great shortcut past bullshit. the ice cold screen filters way too well.

go to Washington, DC, for instance.

they don’t have skyscrapers but they have big hearts.
they don’t have 5th Avenue but cab drivers let you sit in the front seat.
they don’t have Times Square – only a very silly city would have Times Square.

New York is a good place for work. any job in New York is 10 times more valuable than the exact same job somewhere else (when boasting).

looking back on this blog 2 years past, it’s hard to recognize the soul behind those early posts. it was a very hopeful soul.

New York makes you older. faster. it requires skin treatments earlier.

this is a very funny brownie. this is a very funny city.

everything’s here. the city’s complete.
take your piece of the jigsaw puzzle, it doesn’t fit.

or just lay down and lounge.

New York is a good place to lounge.


"...you're so rich! so rich!"



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